Please tell me when the results of the Enhanced infrastructure metrics for Compute Optimizer will be reflected

Please tell me when the results of the Enhanced infrastructure metrics for Compute Optimizer will be reflected

Clock Icon2024.07.25


The issue

I am considering using the paid feature of Enhanced infrastructure metrics in Compute Optimizer.

Since the Enhanced infrastructure metrics are based on CloudWatch metrics from the past 3 months, do I need to wait an additional 3 months after enabling it, even if I already have 3 months' worth of CloudWatch metrics?"

The solution

When you enable the Enhanced infrastructure metrics in Compute Optimizer, within a few hours, Compute Optimizer will update the recommendations based on the CloudWatch metrics from the past 3 months.

Therefore, if you already have 3 months' worth of CloudWatch metrics, you do not need to wait for an additional 3 months after enabling it.

AWS Official Blog

In a few hours, Compute Optimizer updates its recommendations based on the latest three months of CloudWatch metrics. In this way, I get better suggestions for workloads that have monthly or quarterly activities.

However, please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the settings to apply after enabling the Enhanced infrastructure metrics.

AWS official documentation

After you activate the enhanced infrastructure metrics feature, Compute Optimizer applies the preference the next time recommendations are refreshed. This can take up to 24 hours.



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